The Book: Ted Talk

This summary will cover most of Anderson’s key points and tips about public

speaking. We’ll start with the idea that presenting and public speaking is a learnable

skill before moving onto building ideas for talks and 4 common traps people fall

into. We’ll discuss Anderson’s thoughts on getting your point across, getting

personal, narration and the idea of persuasion. Finally, we’ll address mental prep,

speaking jitters, rehearsals, scripts and the importance of voice and body language.

Hopefully, you’ll finish this summary with a few tips on how to improve your own

nerves and public speaking.


Anderson explains that there is no simple formula for public speaking, there is no

single way to go about it and be sure you are giving a great talk. He acknowledges

that this is simply due to the variety of speakers and audiences in the world, you’re

never going to appeal to everyone and you’re never going to speak exactly the same

as someone else. Rather than suggesting exactly how you should give a talk,

Anderson aims to offer a bunch of tools you can use to improve your speaking